1:100 (or 15mm) Germans
Tiger I
Quality Casting - Tiger I
Quality Casting - Tiger I, I plan to use the model as the Tiger from the movie Fury. Yes the number s not correct 133 instead 131 but close enough for me.
V2 A4 rocket with Funkleitwagen
Forged in Battle - V2 A4 Rocket with Funkleitwagen - Precast
Forged in Battle - V2 A4 Rocket with Funkleitwagen + Gear Krieg AA Donner walker
”schwerer Wehrmachtsschlepper”
Forged in Battle sWS Panzerwerfer 42 Precast
Forged in Battle sWS Uhu IR Precast
Maus x 2 and Tiger II
Forged in Battle Maus Precast
Ruben Torregrosa and I are the current Forged in Battle painter. Ruben is doing most of the work but occasionally I am also contributing. The Maus precast was painted by him and me and we decided it would be a good thing the swap models to get some fresh ideas how the other is doing the job. So after finishing my Maus I shipped it to Spain and Ruben took some nice pics of both tanks together!
Left one done by me, the right one by Ruben! BTW - make sure to check Ruben’s painting Blog.
Forged in Battle Tiger II Precast
Panzerkampfwagen E-50, E-75 and E-100
Heer 46 PzKpfw E-100.
Heer 46 PzKpfw E-50.
Heer 46 does it again - two more fantastic release for the 46 gamer - the E-50 and the mighty E-75! The kits come in 4 resin parts (hull, left, right track and turret) and 2 metal casts gun barrels.
Heer 46 PzKpfw E-75.
Heer 46 PzKpfw E-75 Japdpanzer.
Family shot together with Löwe!
I can only recommend these tank. You can get it at the Heer 46 website.
E-100, Maus, Jagdpanther and RSO
Forged in Battle E-100 Precast
Forged in Battle Maus Precast
The nice folks of “Forged in Battle” shipped me again some tanks that are soon to be released. An E-100, Maus, Jagdpanther and RSO tank. All are absolutely beautiful tank models. As usual very careful researched and sculpted.
Forged in Battle Jagdpanther Precast
Forged in Battle RSO with Pak-40 Precast
Forged in Battle E-50 Precast
The nice folks of “Forged in Battle” shipped me recently the soon to be released E-50 tank. An absolutely beautiful tank model. Very careful researched and sculpted. If you are interested in 15mm (1/100) “paperpanzer” this is your kit. Even the Sperber IR Sichtgerät is modelled!
SdKfz 255/8 Stummel Kätzchen and E-50 by Forged in Battle
Another - already released - “Forged in Battle” model is the Kätzchen. Again a crisp cast good researched model of the late war APC prototype. The model comes with Bridging equipment, crew and some MGs and other guns.
I decided that “SdKfz 255 Mittlerer gepanzerter Schützenpanzerwagen Neu” would be a good number and official sounding name for the new late War German APC family. We live in splendid times for the 15mm modeller these days. The Plasticsoldier Halftrack Conversion Kit is really good fitting to the Kätzchen. I could not resist to built some conversions. (Painted version will follow soon). All the resin / metal parts are from the FiB kit; the yellowish plastic parts are from PSC.
SdKfz 255/7 Pionier Kätzchen by Forged in Battle
SdKfz 255/7 Pionier Kätzchen by Forged in Battle, Crew by FoW
SdKfz 255/16 Flamm Kätzchen by Forged in Battle with PSC parts
SdKfz 255/6 Mörser Kätzchen by Forged in Battle with PSC parts
SdKfz 255/8 Stummel Kätzchen by Forged in Battle with PSC parts
SdKfz 255/8 Stummel Kätzchen by Forged in Battle with PSC parts and Soldier
SdKfz 255/10 Befehlskätzchen by Forged in Battle with FoW Puma turret and crewman
VK 1602 Leopard
After playing some World of Tanks battles I just needed a Leopard. The conversion is based on a FoW Luchs with a Puma turret.
VK1602 Leopard based on FoW Luchs
Horses and Motorcycles
FoW Kradschützen, Peter Pig Cavalry
While writing the Early War German supplement I realised that it was finally time to include Cavalry and Motorcycle units. Both the German and Polish books include the relevant rules and units. I used Peter Pig minis for the Cavalry and Battlefront (Flames of War) Motorcycles.
German Cavalry Command by Peter Pig
Kradschützen by FoW
Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte
The Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte (lit.: Land Cruiser P. 1000 "Rat") was a design for a huge tank for use by Nazi Germany during World War II. It was designed in 1942 by Krupp with the approval of Adolf Hitler, but the project was cancelled by Albert Speer in early 1943 and no tank was ever completed.
Forged in Battle produce a 1/100 (15 mm) scale Ratte and made a pre sale of this HUGE model, I was fortunate enough to receive one.
The model comes with different support turrets, I liked the Early/ Mid war look and went for the Flak-Vierlings on the engine deck!
I also wanted a more naval look for my Ratte, therefore the plain grey colour choice.
Panzer 38(t)
I needed some early war panzer to protect the Landkreuzer above. Since Forged in Battle is producing some very nice Panzer 38(t) I painted them up. Some stowage was added from Peter Pig and FoW tanks, otherwise right out of the blister. I also painted the FoW Panzer 38(t) with Rommel below. The model is from FoW and is WAY behind as far as casting quality is concerned!
Panzer 38(t) by Forged in Battle
Panzer 38(t) with Rommel (FoW)
Panzerkampfwagen VII Löwe
Heer 46 PzKpfw VII Löwe.
As you may have noticed I have recently painted two Löwe models. (I used them for my free Victory Decision booklet) The model is too good to be just presented, a small review is necessary.
The Löwe kit comes in 4 resin parts (hull, left, right track and turret) and 2 metal casts gun barrels. I knew from Denis (the guy behind Heer46) that the model was designed on a computer and after that printed. The problem with many “pixel-pushed” models is often the visible print lines on the final cast model. Not so with the Löwe kit, either the print was VERY good or the model was prepared by hand to get a smoother result.
Anyway the product you get is as god as any traditional sculpted miniature. It is in fact one of the best cast 15mm tank model I have ever painted. The fitting of the parts was also way above par.
I can only recommend this small gem of a tank. You can get it at the Heer 46 website.
FoW 28mm sPzB 41.
FoW 88 PaK 43-41.
Heer 46 Panther Coelian. An an absolutely brilliant conversion kit. Crisp casting!
Heer 46 Panther Coelian next to the Peter Pig Kugelblitz Works well for me...
Peter Pig Kugelblitz. Again an absolutely breathtaking model. Crisp casting and highly detailed for a 15mm model!
Peter Pig Panther G with Infra Red equipment. An absolutely fantastic model. Very highly detailed for a 15mm model and well researched!
 Flames of War “Sturer Emil” Moritz
Another Peter Pig beauty, a clean and simple Panzer IV F2.
A Flames of War Mid War German Grenadier Platoon, expertly painted by Kevin Benneh, details on the bases by me.
Some FoW Pak 40 guns, expertly painted by Kevin Benneh and me.
A Flames of War Mid War German Grenadier Platoon HQ, expertly painted by Kevin Benneh, details on the bases and the SdKfz 250/10 (Quality casting mini) by me.
Some Flames of War Fallschirmjäger.
 Haunebu Conversion - Based on Blue Moon Manufacturing Reconnaissance Saucer, Infantry by Peter Pig and FoW
Fallschirmjäger together with a Panzerkämpfer IV C Loki (DP9s Gear Krieg range)