The Ultramarines are considered one of the strongest and most honoured of all the Space Marine Chapters in the Imperium of Man, and were responsible for almost single-handedly holding the Imperium together after the Horus Heresy.
Highly-disciplined and courageous warriors, the Ultramarines have remained true to the teachings of Primarch Roboute Guilliman for 10,000 standard years. The Ultramarines were originally the XIIIth Space Marine Legion before the reforms that initiated the Second Founding and reshaped the Imperium after the Heresy in the Time of Rebirth on the orders of Guilliman himself as the lord commander of the Imperium and Imperial Regent.
Ultramarine Primarch Roboute Guilliman
"Why do I still live? What more do you want from me? I gave everything I had to you, to them. Look what they've made of our dream. This bloated, rotting carcass of an empire is driven not by reason and hope but by fear, hate and ignorance. Better that we had all burned in the fires of Horus' ambition than live to see this." —Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines, reflecting upon the state of the Imperium of the late 41st Millennium and his devotion to the Emperor of Mankind
Roboute Guilliman, sometimes referred to as the "Avenging Son," "The Victorious," "The Master of Ultramar" and "The Blade of Unity", is the Primarch of the Ultramarines Space Marine Legion and its myriad subsequent Second Founding Successor Chapters. Held by some as a paragon among the Emperor's sons, Roboute Guilliman was as much a patrician statesman as he was an indefatigable warrior. A being of preternatural intelligence, cold reason and indomitable will, Guilliman forged his XIII Legion into a vast force of conquest and control, a weapon by which he made himself the master of a stellar domain in the Eastern Fringe of the galaxy, the Realm of Ultramar, which during his lifetime spanned five hundred worlds.
The Gathering Storm brought Roboute back to 40K. Not only that GW also released a splendid miniature. Like the Incarne it was a mini that I had to get used to. After building it and finally painting it, I just love the sculpt.
I also chose different colours as the blue ‘eavy Metal paint job, since I will use him together with my Blood Angel Primaris force and some Custodes. And since Roboute is the de facto Leader of Mankind now I chose the all over golden look. And since I still do not like NMM I used good old fashioned gold and brown ink.
Many complained about the head sculpt of Roboute, IMO it is all a question of how you paint him. I like the noble Roman emperor look a lot, same goes for the helmet, it is only a bit too small IMO.
The Ultramarines of Space Marine II as miniatures
The Ultramarines 2nd Company stands as a bulwark against the darkness of the galaxy, with three warriors at its heart whose lives embody duty, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of the Emperor’s will: Sergeant Valorem Gadriel, Lieutenant Demetrian Titus and Primaris Marine Meduras Chairon.
Titus is available with a dedicated mini, Gadriel is build out of the Intercessor box. Same goes for Chairon, only the right forearm is from Anvilrage.
Lieutenant Demetrian Titus
Once the Captain of the 2nd Company, Titus led his forces to victory against an Ork invasion and a Chaos incursion on the Forge World of Graia. His inexplicable resistance to Chaos corruption, however, drew the suspicion of his brothers, leading to his detainment by the Inquisition. After decades of absence, Titus returns to active duty during the Fourth Tyrannic War, now a Primaris Marine and holding the rank of Lieutenant. Despite his fall from grace, his unyielding loyalty to the Imperium and unmatched battlefield prowess earn him the trust of his brothers’ though shadows of his past still linger.
Sergeant Valorem Gadriel
A Primaris Space Marine of noble Ultramarian heritage, Gadriel rose to prominence through unwavering discipline and combat mastery. After completing his rite of passage through the Glaudor Valley, he was inducted into the 2nd Company and quickly ascended to the rank of Sergeant under Captain Sevastus Acheran. Gadriel serves as a steadfast leader and skilled warrior, though he harbors doubts about Titus, whose mysterious past and rumored ties to the Inquisition weigh heavily on the sergeant’s mind. Nevertheless, Gadriel’s dedication to his brothers and the Codex Astartes remains resolute, and he plays a vital role in defending humanity from the Tyranid menace.
Primaris Marine Meduras Chairon
Born on Calth and shaped by the trauma of the Word Bearers’ betrayal during the Horus Heresy, Chairon carries a burning hatred for traitors and an unshakable devotion to the Emperor. Selected by Archmagos Belisarius Cawl, he became part of the Primaris project, awakening 10,000 years later to join the Ultima Founding. During the Recidious Campaign, Chairon fights alongside Titus and Gadriel, his heart torn between suspicion of Titus’s past and the brotherhood forged in war. Despite his doubts, Chairon proves himself a relentless warrior, embodying the Ultramarines’ legacy as he battles the Tyranid swarm with fierce determination.
Brothers in War, Bound by Duty - Though shaped by vastly different pasts Titus burdened by suspicion, Gadriel bound by duty, and Chairon scarred by betrayal these three warriors stand united against the Imperium’s enemies. Their bond is tested by the specter of Titus’s history, but as they fight shoulder to shoulder against the Tyranid horde, they come to embody the enduring strength of the Ultramarines: a brotherhood forged in war, unwavering in their service to the Emperor and Imperium of Man.
Uriel Ventris
“Uriel Ventris is the young captain of the 4th Company of the Ultramarines Chapter of Space Marines. Captain Uriel Ventris was born in the subterranean cities of the Imperial Civilised World of Calth in the Realm of Ultramar and chose to become an Ultramarines aspirant when he came of age to participate in the Chapter's trials. He succeeded in his quest and became an Ultramarines neophyte and then earned his way into the ranks of the Ultramarines' officer corps through his bravery and devotion to the ideals of the Ultramarines primarch, Roboute Guilliman.” from https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Uriel_Ventris
I finally came around to paint this mini. Since I am not a fan of using green and blue on the same mini, I tones the 4th company green a bit down.
Calth Ultramarines
The Battle of Calth, also referred to as the Calth Atrocity, was the name given by later Imperial scholars to the treacherous campaign conducted during the early stages of the Horus Heresy in beginning in 007.M31 by the traitorous XVIIth Space Marine Legion, the Word Bearers, on behalf of the Warmaster Horus against their hated rivals, the XIIIth Space Marine Legion, better known as the Ultramarines.
The campaign was launched by the Word Bearers' Primarch Lorgar Aurelian with the goal of exterminating the XIIIth Space Marine Legion outright. The purpose of the Word Bearers' invasion of the Ultramarines' Realm of Ultramar in the Eastern Fringes of the galaxy was to tie down the XIIIth Legion and prevent them from reinforcing their fellow Loyalists as the Traitor Legions marched relentlessly on Terra itself.
Captain Steloc Aethon
Steloc Aethon was the Captain of the Ultramarines Legion's 19th Companyand was a veteran of the Great Crusade when the Horus Heresy began. A native of one of Calth's noble families, he was brought up in the principle arcology of Gallica Subdelta. As his family's estates were mostly in the vast underground networks of Calth, he did not see the light of day for the first ten years of his life. During this time he became known as Aethon the White Spider, due to his masterful knowledge of Calth's underground labyrinths.
Since a lot of his fighting was during the underground war I decided to give him a black cloak on the outside. Otherwise just a clean paintjob.
The Cataphracti Terminators are from the now old resin Forge World range.
Ultramarines Kill Team - Strike Force Justian
GW released the Kill Team in Q4 2023 in their Warhammer Heroes line. Like a trading card pack you by a mini pack (in certain countries) and can hope for the one you want... Not my sales model. ;)
I was extremely lucky and had a full team when buying 10 packs and immediately selling the doubles. Anyway - the minis are really nice and the Team is also solid to play. I painted 6 of them, the 7th mini is an alternate sergeant who competes with the captain for the KT leader spot.
Brother Decian, Captain Justian and Brother Thysor
Brother Flavian, Brother Vignius and Brother Acules