Heroic-scale (28 mm) superhero miniatures for a new era! SuperFigs from Four-Color Figures are designed for use with SuperSystem, the SuperFigs skirmish-level Superhero Miniature Battle Game, or with any Superhero role-playing game. I had the honour to playtest the 2nd edition which came out in May 2006.
The Red Patriot Movement is attacked by the Freedom’s Five!
In my opinion a really great game becomes now even better. Very nice and fluid gameplay.
Alternate turn sequence are combined with opposed goal rolls. Not again one of those my turn, your turn game. Also very easy adaptable to nearly every setting.
Build in campaign and experience rules, plus an universal point system. To make things even better, very nice to the budget, since you can start playing with as little as 3 or 4 minis per site.
And for the 1st time you have all powers in one book. The game is also supported by some fantastic fanpages. Make sure to check out the Supersystem Annex. Every game aid you can imagine
Highly recommended!
The Freebooter
An official Superteam straight from the Four Colour World of Supersystem! (The Stats Cards further down are 150 dpi picture. Right Click, save it, print it and put it into a Trading Card Protector - whoops: All the stats you need to play these guys...)
"In the wake of the Alien Invasion, nations not lucky enough to have large populations of super-humans sought to import them to ensure their security. This gave rise to a trend of super-mercenaries working for nations large and small. The Freebooters were formed to take advantage of this trend...”
From left to right: Mr. Brain - a mind attacking alien stranded on earth; the Ego Bot - made by Mr. Brain to protect him from hostile earthlings; Coil - the undisputed leader of the Freebooters; High Gear and Fastlane - two superfast Cyborg.
The idea for the paintjob was to create a Cyborg Robo Cop feel for the minis, therefore the mostly cool and pale colours. Note the small Plastik Dome on the open brain of Ego-Bot!
Coil - The woman the world knows only as Coil founded the Freebooters after the Invasion of Earth by the Host. Unlike other teams, her motives were not altruistic. Seeking profit, her team hires itself out to the highest bidder. There are some jobs they won’t take, assassination being chief among them. Coil’s mutate powers allow her to generate a bioelectric field that she projects along her super-strong whip. She also possesses uncanny reflexes and the ability to heal at a rapid rate.
Fastlane - The female half of the cyber-speed duo of Fastlane and High Gear, Fastlane does not know the true origin of her powers. In truth, like her loyal partner, she does not even know her real name. Her only memory is of a race and a terrible accident.
When she next awoke she was in the halls of the Zero Foundation, lying on a table next to a man in much the same condition as her. Not interested in the Zero Device’s plans for world domination, the super-fast couple made good their escape and struck out on their own to find their origin and their destiny.
High Gear - High Gear wants to know who he is and where he came from. He also wants payback against those who transformed him into gleaming engine of destruction.
He’s grown to care about Fastlane; the bond they share is one of pain and loneliness. It was his idea to accept Coil’s offer and join the Freebooters, hoping that it would lesson the pain of the mysteries that plague their lives.
Mr. Brain - Mr. Brain is not human. An alien telepath abandoned on Earth after the Invasion, Mr. Brain realized the only way he could survive was to join a super-team.
That’s when Coil found him. Now the diminutive brain-blaster works happily for his newfound team, and has developed a giant, cybernetic bodyguard to aid them against tougher foes.
Although still homesick for his native world, Mr. Brain has developed a taste for Italian cuisine, and loves old Noir films.
The Ego Bot - The Ego-Bot was created by Mr. Brain from a mix of alien technology and the remains of several aliens and mutates. Like the Zero Device, he is a unique blend of man and machine, but unlike the Device, he is almost child-like and docile unless ordered to act by his master, Mr. Brain.
When he does act he makes an implacable foe. Resistant to both physical and mental assaults, his only weaknesses are his slow footspeed and his undying loyalty and concern for his master and creator.
The Red Patriot Movement
An official Superteam straight from the Four Colour World of Supersystem! (The Stats Cards further down are 150 dpi picture. Right Click, save it, print it and put it into a Trading Card Protector - whoops: All the stats you need to play these guys...)
When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989, a new Russia was born. That didn't sit well with some Russians who believed Communism got a raw deal. They didn't like the new Russia, and they rebelled against it, bringing many Super Communists to bear in the struggle. Ultimately, the Red Patriot Movement lost, but still managed to retain control of their power base in the Russian state of Georgia, birthplace of Josef Stalin, and home to a new Proletariat.
The Siberian - Through all of its struggles, the most visible member of the RPM has been the Soviet Super Soldier known only as the Siberian. His seemingly ageless body a bastion of Communist Party strength since the 1950s, the Siberian now leads RPM operatives in actions around the world.
Zoya - Called the "Lethal Guardian" by her comrades in the RPM, Zoya's powers make her nigh-indestructible, and an ideal complement to T-34's erratic firepower. Her loyalty to the Soviet ideal is surpassed only by her love for its most legendary champion, the Siberian.
The Red Bolt - Red Bolt, a Soviet Speedster who hits like a hurricane, is the Siberian’s right-hand man and the RPM’s primary field scout. During the invasion he fell in love with an alien warrior named Nevra while she was held in RPM custody. She later escaped amidst the chaos of an alien counter-attack, and Red Bolt has never seen her again.
Perun - Stepping from the pages of Russian mythology, Perun is the avatar of the god of war, capable of felling even massive vehicles with his mighty hammer.
T-34 - The product of an advanced Soviet weapons development program, Ivan Korkov is now half-man, half-tank. When his mighty personal armament is working, it wreaks devastation on the battlefield, giving pause to hero and villain alike.
The Sub-Atomics
An official Superteam straight from the Four Colour World of Supersystem!
The denizens of a sub-atomic world imperiled by the scientific testing of a top military research lab, the Sub-Atomics were sent to make the presence of their home known to the people of “Macro-Earth.”
After convincing the U.S. Military to halt their tests, the members of the team decided to remain in the larger world and act as ambassadors and protectors of their people against further reckless scientific testing. Along the way they have become heroes, participating in the Invasion war going up against Dr. Simian and his Atlantis Front on several occasions.
Max Megaton - Max Megaton leads the Sub-Atomics and has provided them a moral compass in a strange new world. His speed and power make him a frontline leader, and his courage has never failed him.
He misses the sub-atomic realm, but realizes the value of his team’s continued presence in the macro-world.
Dr. Halflife - Dr. Halflife is the team’s science expert, but in battle his touch can mean death!
A seething cauldron of atomic energy, Halflife possesses an energy aura that exudes extreme heat and dangerous radiation.
Although he does not take to battle as readily as others on his team, he is always willing to put his deadly body in harm’s way to aid a comrade.
Megapulse - Megapulse provides the Sub-Atomics’ ranged support, blasting foes with pulsed beams of coherent light that hit like battering rams.
In her old world she was Dr. Halflife’s assistant, but she was transformed in the same accident that gave the doctor his deadly touch.
The Fission - Built by Dr. Halflife to handle hazardous materials, the Fission is a robotic duplicator who is handy in a brawl.
Although his duplication only works in his shrunken state, he and his double pack a micro-wallop that foes find hard to withstand.
The Particle - More adept than his teammates at size manipulation, Damian Masters, the Particle, uses his abilities to literally crawl into the minds of his foes, blocking their neural pathways and synapses, causing intense pain and un- consciousness.
An official Superteam straight from the Four Colour World of Supersystem!
From the left to the right: Freya, Major Meteor, Reichsadler and Heimdall
After the traitorous action of Hauptmann von Stahl (see the write-up for the Blitzkrieg Battalion in the SuperSystem rule book), Himmler ordered the development of new and totally dedicated Supersoldiers for the Reich. The secret project received the code name “Übersoldat”.
Formed from an all volunteer cadre of the hardest soldiers and often accompanied by the dreaded Mecha Panzer the Übersoldaten have proven capable of matching any Allied supers.
Freya – Flare Girl
Lisa von Luck led a charmed life even through the first years of the war. Her parents are leading scientist of the Nazi regime, and while other families suffered she had a more or less carefree life. That changed when her parents had to take her into the secret Bunker of the Übersoldat project to get her into shelter during a devastating Allied bomber attack. The bunker was shaken to the very core during the raid and Lisa fled her relatively safe room. She stumbled into one of the secret labs where the door was left open. When the next bomb hit the secret complex several untested chemicals crashed on her and burned her face horribly. The chemicals also transformed her eyes and granted her amazing dexterity. Lisa is now able to direct blinding light flashes at her enemies from her unshielded eyes. She possesses a single-minded dedication to crushing the enemies of Reich that she believes are the source of her misery. Although not as valorous as Reichsadler, she has become a valued member of the Übersoldat Team.
Major Meteor
Major Meteor was also active during WW II. Stranded on earth and treated by ruthless project “Übersoldat” scientist with their experimental mind-ray he was lured into the Nazi Supersoldier program. During the end of the war he freed himself from the mental block and fought in some crucial moments for the Allies. After that he disappeared in a temporal Vortex of unknown energy...
The Soldier known as the Reichsadler (Eagle of the Reich) is the undisputed leader of the Übersoldaten. A Veteran of the Russian campaign he has seen all kinds of atrocities on both sides of the conflict. He fears the worst for Germany should the Russians ever win the war. His dedication for the Fatherland led him to volunteer for the Übersoldat project after a serious combat injury. The resulting experiments granted him telekinetic flight and enhanced mental capacity that enables him to crush enemies by the power of his thoughts alone.
Heimdall – the Steel Soldier – “Stahlsoldat”
Not much is known about Heimdall. A nameless, shell-shocked German soldier, he was enhanced by Project Übersoldat scientists. They succeeded beyond their expectations in creating a steel-clad, super-powered combat machine, but at times the frail human system still locked within him just can’t handle the stress…
The Head and Killbot
Two fantastic minis from the Superfigs Range: The Head [ZC5] and the Killbots [ZC6] are Free Agents in the 4-Colour world.
I choose to paint them in a retro-SF weird war paint scheme. The Killbot also received two MGs to give him some ranged punch...
Major Meteor
Another fantastic new mini from the Superfigs Range: Major Meteor.
Major Meteor is a cosmic hero. He got stranded on Earth after the Invasion, he wants to go back to the stars. meanwhile he is a hero on earth and has joined the galactic defenders.
I choose to paint him in a retro-SF weird war paint scheme.
The Blitzkrieg Brigade
Torn from time and space, from a world where WW2 still rages, comes the Blitzkrieg Brigade, a group of super-fascists to challenge the heroes of any era. Lead by Elite Wehrmacht Officer Hans von Stahl, wielder of the Spear of Destiny, the team also features the massive Brown Shirt Schlaeger Siegfried, and several deadly super-mecha walkers.
Hauptman Hans von Stahl - Hauptman Hans von Stahl witnessed the terrible power of the Spear of Destiny firsthand when the Reich’s special agents used it in battle on French partisans. Uneasy about the supernatural implications of using such a relic for war, he stole it and used it to tear a hole into time and space, taking a few of his favourite operatives and gear with him to carve out his own empire in a new dimension. However, possessing the spear has changed him, and now he intends to use it to conquer the modern world not for the glory of any nation, but to create a new world of perfect order.
Schlaeger Siegfried - Loyal to Hauptman von Stahl because he was the only one to ever show kindness to him, Schlaeger (“Bruiser”) Siegfried decided to follow him through time and space. He is very good at his primary job, protecting von Stahl. His secondary job, busting heads, comes in a close second.
Mecha Panzer - The German Recon Mecha or Mecha Panzer is a robust design built and designed by Schemmer Armor Works. The original concept called for a light assault mech capable of carrying various payloads. In battle it proved a very reliable design due mainly to the highly efficient Anhalder twin Diesel engines. At first used as a terror weapon in night attacks on allied lines, it was equipped with a Stuka Siren giving it the nickname of “Wraith”. This extremely flexible design gave rise to numerous variants such as the 75mm assault, the 88mm tank hunter, and others.
The Blitzkrieg Brigade is another faction for Supersystem. Introduced in the 2nd edition rulebook, but so far no suitable minis are released. Since these guys are just perfect as villains for Golden Age gaming or vs. the Freedom’s Five I needed some stand in minis. Major Maxim from the IndyClix range fits the bill for a hulking menacing Nazi officer. All that I needed was a suitable big spear, I use the hand and spear of a GW Gobbo or Zombie (not sure anymore...). For Siegfried I just used the S2 Kriegshunde mini and removed the medals from his chest. Done!
Freedom’s Five
An official Superteam straight from the Four Colour World of Supersystem! (The Stats Cards further down are 150 dpi picture. Right Click, save it, print it and put it into a Trading Card Protector - whoops: All the stats you need to play these guys...)
Freedom’s Five became one of the Allied Powers greatest assets when facing the threat of the Axis Powers and their own super-human agents. Formed of heroes from England, Denmark, and the United States, Freedom’s Five often took the fight to Hitler and his superfascist goon squads. In his mad pursuit for artifacts of power, they even chased him through time itself, turning the modern-day streets of Steel City into a WWII battleground. Although casualties sometimes changed their lineup, the group’s most consistent and stalwart members are listed below.
Hawkwind - Wil Featherstone joined the U.S. Army to fight the Axis, but he got more than he bargained for when he was selected to participate in an experimental super-soldier program that involved some recently recovered Atlantean technology. Several months later Featherstone found himself with amazing powers, a mutate master of flight. With enhanced fighting prowess and a good head for battle, the newly named Hawkwind became the leader of Freedom’s Five.
Shield Maiden - One of Denmark’s only super-humans of the war-time era, Shieldmaiden claimed she was touched by the old Norse Gods, her mission to stamp out the foul fascists who would misuse the old tales in their propaganda of hate. Although Shieldmaiden’s connection to the gods could never be proven, her tremendous strength, fighting prowess, and beauty showed no signs of lessening even up to her disappearance in 1958.
Silver Knight - When the war came to London, Neal Howard was deemed too frail to fight, but when he discovered the mystical sword, armor, and shield of his forefathers in his family’s ancestral home, all that changed. Neal became Silver Knight, defender of the Crown! He soon joined up with the other members of the FF and helped take the battle to the Axis. After the war Howard and his amazing weapons disappeared. Some say his amazing armaments, and the man himself, were needed in another war somewhere else in time.
Druid - The mystery man who became known as the Druid first appeared in 1939 near Glastonbury. He possessed amazing powers that included altering probabilities and teleportation.
He used these powers to fight the Nazis, and that was enough for Winston Churchill to induct him into Freedom’s Five. Although his true name or origin was never revealed, the Druid remained a favorite son of Britain long after the war, continuing his crime-fighting career into the 1970’s.
The Golem - While helping fellow Jews escape from Nazi Germany, American expatriate Richard Berman was pursued into a remote mountain cave in the Bavarian hinterland. There he came across a mysterious humanoid creature of earth and stone chained to a strange obelisk. On the stone was an inscription in Hebrew: “Only he who is of noble spirit and pure of heart may possess the Golem.” With a Nazi patrol hot on his tail, Berman, a student of archaeology, followed the rituals set out on the obelisk and transported his spirit into the body of the Golem. Just as he completed the ritual, the Nazis riddled his human form with bullets. As the Golem he crushed them, and continued battling their ilk for the remainder of the war.
M203 ''SARGE'' The US armys first response to the new German PanzerMecha. The M203 was a heavily armoured Mecha. The designer Werner Von Blick was a German defector who worked on the Tin Man project in 44. Unfortunately for the Americans Von Blick was not privy to all aspects of the project and as a result the M203 suffered from a serious engine design fault. Making the M203 unreliable. Concieved as a breakthrough weapon the M203 was equipped with a set of tracks , this gave the Mecha an advantage when travelling by road.
M203 ''SARGE'' Mk2 The US armys first response to the new German PanzerMecha. The M203 was a heavily armoured Mecha. The designer Werner Von Blick was a German defector who worked on the Tin Man project in 44. The Mk2 is a modified version of the original von Blick design. Some speed was traded for additional firepower and range.
Note: The Mk2 is my slight modification of the official Supersystem stats. I removed 6 points of Extra Movement and AoE Blast. The incredible high speed and an AoE weapon just seems to much for my taste. I then gave it Extra range X5 (boosting the weapon to 40”), 1 more damage dice (now on par with the melee attack) and Superdamage X2 (again to create the same effect as the melee attack).
R.A.T. Mecha The RAT (Recon Airborne Transport) was developed by the United Kingdom’s RAF as a heavy lifter, and adapted by the elite paratrooper units as a light mech that would allow a normal infantryman to effectively engage Axis super-agents toe-to-toe. It was designed to have light armor and utilized an ultra light aluminum frame making it very useful as an air-landing asset. The standard version mounted twin Vickers HMGs and various other payloads could be carried on its back. Whenever the Freedom’s Five worked closely with the RAF, R.A.T.’s were never far from the scene.
R.A.T. Mecha Mk 2 The RAT (Recon Airborne Transport) was developed by the United Kingdom’s RAF as a heavy lifter, and adapted by the elite paratrooper units as a light mech that would allow a normal infantryman to effectively engage Axis super-agents toe-to-toe. It was designed to have light armor and utilized an ultra light aluminum frame making it very useful as an air-landing asset. The Mk2 is a modified version of the original design. By removing the manipulator arms some close combat capabilities was traded for additional firepower.
Note: The Mk2 is my slight modification of the official Supersystem stats for a more ranged combat oriented version. I removed Melee Attack and lowered the Enhanced Senses by 1. I then gave it Rapid Fire, 1 more damage dice and Superdamage X1.